Is it mint to be?

Mint is the preferred flavour of toothpaste for many across the UK. It’s the go-to, expected flavour of toothpaste, largely due to the association between mint and fresh breath, and frankly, you will be hard-pushed to find ‘adult’ toothpaste of another flavour. But that doesn’t mean it’s non-existent… Here, at Growing Smiles, clients and customers …

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Have you got a grip on your toothbrushing?

Who knew that the way you hold your toothbrush can affect your mouth care 1st. Which hand do you brush with?  Right handed people most commonly miss the inside surfaces and gumline of the bottom right teeth as well as the top right i-tooth/canine at the corner of the mouth.Left handed? It’s the opposite side …

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Your Single Tufted Friend

Single tufted brush? That well known song reminds us that ‘we get by with a little help from our friends’ but do you have a single tufted one? If not, the chances are you could do with one! Single tufted toothbrushes are incredibly useful cleaning tools to use ALONGSIDE your usual toothbrush and interdental cleaning …

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Order, ORDER! What order to Clean your Teeth

dental products on a red background showing you the order you should clean your teeth

Parliament may be dissolved in the run up to the election, so in the absence of a speaker you can rely on Growing Smiles to get your mouth in order!  Many daily tasks and activities are done in a specific order. This may be due to a technical reason that a task should be conducted …

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In the spirit of full disclosure…

Full disclosure can be defined as being completely open and transparent regarding factual information. This can relate to work, law, relationships and various other aspects to daily life. Here at Growing Smiles, we like to fully disclose as much information relating to oral health as possible, which is why we would like to discuss ‘disclosing’ …

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