Chew Chew!

No this isn’t a blog post about Thomas the Tank Engine, we are talking chewing gum! You may have heard through the grapevine (or from your dental team) that chewing sugar free gum throughout the day can be beneficial to your oral health. Well, they are absolutely correct! Over the last 50 years our eating …

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In the spirit of full disclosure…

Full disclosure can be defined as being completely open and transparent regarding factual information. This can relate to work, law, relationships and various other aspects to daily life. Here at Growing Smiles, we like to fully disclose as much information relating to oral health as possible, which is why we would like to discuss ‘disclosing’ …

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Growing smiles asks “How kissable are you?”

love text

Roses are red Violets are blue Sugar is sweet Pity your smile doesn’t match the rest of you!  🙁 Ouch! Is love in the air? A clean and healthy smile can attract the love of your life and is key to a healthy heart. When judging a potential date, both men and women rate teeth at the …

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