It’s all in your head

World Mental Health Day – 10th October Your mental health can have an impact on your overall health, including the health of your mouth. Those suffering from poor mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression, often engage in activities or use coping mechanisms that can impact oral health negatively such as: Smoking Using alcohol …

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Love Your Teeth with All of Your Heart – and Vice Versa!

World Heart Day 29th Sept Cardiovascular disease affects the heart or blood vessels and is the world’s number one killer, resulting in 18.6 million deaths a year. Studies suggest that people with poor oral health, such as gum disease or tooth loss, are more likely to have cardiovascular problems such a heart attack or stroke, …

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Easter Eggs?

Easter Bunny Eggs Image

If you have been counting the days until the chocolate eggs can finally be broken into and eaten at an alarming rate save a thought for your own and your family’s teeth? Without them you might find Easter slightly less satisfying! Teeth are key to eating, speaking and appearance -nothing new there but pause for …

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