Dry Mouth

Dry Mouth

Oral health coach LeighGS talks about dry mouth. Recorded live on Talking Teeth Thursday, Growing Smiles weekly live Facebook feed.

Dried Fruit v Fresh Fruit?

Dried Fruit v Fresh Fruit?

Dried fruit snacks are advertised as a healthy option and are often a practical choice. But when the fibre and water is removed from fresh fruit to dry it the end result is a condensed sugar laden snack. Oral health coach LeighGS explains the difference and offers solutions to reduce the damage to teeth when …

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Growing Healthy Eaters with Growing Smiles

Growing Healthy Eaters with Growing Smiles

Dr Colette Reynolds of Growing Healthy Eaters talks to oral health coach LeighGS about children’s diet. Lots of parents struggle with getting children to eat a healthy diet. Mealtimes can be stressful and snacking frequent. Colette answers some of these questions. Time/Topic 2.40 Colette explains about her sons issues with ‘wet foods’ 6.10 If a …

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Cleaning Dental Aligners, Retainers, Mouthguards etc

Cleaning Dental Aligners, Retainers, Mouthguards etc

If it goes in your mouth, it should be clean! Plaque biofilm will gather on dental appliances as well as you teeth. Take time to clean your dental appliance every day – aligner, retainer, orthodontic appliance, denture, nightguard, clench inhibitor, sports mouthguard, etc. Learn more👨‍🎓 and buy products the professionals recommend at

Aging Oral Health – Not Just Baby Boomers

Aging Oral Health - Not Just Baby Boomers

Oral health coach LeighGS presents oral health as it relates to baby boomers. This is based around a recent Talking Teeth Thursday Live on Facebook. We added some more graphics and realised that so much of this can be applied to other generations. It highlights the importance of taking good care of your oral health …

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Baby Boomers

Baby Boomers

Oral health coach LeighGS introduces this weeks focus on baby boomers and the specific oral health care needs of this generation.

If my Dentist Could See me Now

If my Dentist Could See me Now

What would your dentist or hygienist say if they could see your toothbrush today? Dental professionals recommend changing your toothbrush/head when the bristles splay out, as it won’t clean effectively. That is around every 3 months. Most of us change our toothbrush every 9-10 months (often when we are going on holiday!). Take a second …

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Raisin Awareness

Raisin Awareness

Talking Teeth Thursday saw dental nurse and educator Jo Dawson join oral health coach LeighGS to talk about her campaign to raise awareness of safe snacks for teeth in schools, in England. Recorded 17 June 2021. This campaign incorporates so much more that snacking. Cooking from scratch, using local produce, education and overall health just …

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How to Reduce Children’s Sugar in Positive Way

How to Reduce Children's Sugar in Positive Way

Do you need some help trying to reduce the sugar in your child’s diet? It is easier said than done! Sugar in the diet not only is a major risk for cavities/tooth decay but also for childhood weight gain and obesity. Dr. Colette Reynolds (PhD) is a Childs Healthy Eating Coach and founder of Growing …

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Mouth Care for those with Cancer

Mouth Care for those with Cancer

Check your mouth every month for signs of mouth cancer. Over 16 years of age? Be mouth aware and check your mouth for signs of mouth cancer one every month. Identify risk factors and learn what to look for. Learn more and find how to check on our social media and website tips pages. Amended …

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