Product Description
What is Tooth Mousse Used for?
Tooth Mousse may help to:
- Relieve sensitivity.
- Protect teeth from dental decay/cavities.
- Buffer dental plaque acid from bacteria in the mouth (help neutralise an acidic environment).
- Protect teeth from acidic food and drinks.
- Repair tooth damage in the early stages of decay (pre cavitation).
- Aids in preventing tooth erosion – Learn more here – Acid and your Mouth
- Helps managing dry mouth
What is Recaldent
Water based, sugar free dental topical crème containing Recaldent™ CPP-ACP (Casein Phosphopeptide – Amorphous Calcium Phosphate)
Recaldent™ is derived from the milk protein, casein. For many years it has been known that milk and its derivatives have a tooth protective effect. Recently, research has shown that this activity is due to a part of the casein protein called Casein Phosphopeptide (or CPP), which carries calcium and phosphate ions ‘stuck’ to it, in the form of Amorphous Calcium Phosphate (or ACP). This complex of CPP-ACP (Recaldent™) is an ideal delivery system for bio-available calcium and phosphate ions.
The first product for professional use that contains Recaldent™ technology is GC Tooth Mousse. GC Tooth Mousse incorporating Recaldent™ makes an important contribution to protecting the oral environment in a wide range of situations where a mineral imbalance may arise.
What are the Advantages of Tooth Mousse
- It delivers Recaldent™ (ACP-CPP) to restore mineral balance in the oral environment
- Provides extra protection for teeth
- Helps neutralize acid challenges from acidogenic bacteria in plaque and other internal and external acid sources
- Tastes great and makes teeth feel smoother and cleaner
When should you use Tooth Mousse
- To restore mineral balance in patients with salivary deficiencies such as xerostomia (dry mouth) or when proper oral hygiene procedures are difficult
- To restore balance after procedures such as tooth whitening, professional cleaning, as well as reducing any resulting dentine hypersensitivity
- Research has also shown that Recaldent™ can transform the visual opacity of new white spots to a more natural ‘tooth-like’ translucency
How does Tooth Mousse Work
When GC Tooth Mousse is applied to tooth surfaces, the CPP-ACP molecule binds to biofilm, plaque, bacteria, hydroxyapatite and surrounding soft tissue localizing bio-available calcium and phosphate. Saliva enhances the effectiveness of CPP-ACP and the flavour helps stimulate saliva flow. Tooth Mousse works quickly, within 2-5 minutes, but the longer CPP-ACP is maintained in the mouth the more effective the result.
More about CCP-ACP
A casein derived peptide, with added calcium and phosphate. It provides a phosphate and calcium reservoir when included within dental plaque and on the surface of the tooth. Amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP) is made by combining soluble salts of calcium and phosphorous. Calcium and phosphate ions are released when the pH drops during an acid attack, to maintain supersaturated surroundings with respect to hydroxyapatite and as a result reducing demineralization and increasing remineralization.
CCP-ACP has a buffering effect on the acids produced in dental plaque and therefore has applications in the control of caries (tooth decay), especially uncontrolled root caries. It can be delivered to the tooth surface in a variety of ways such as chewing gum, lozenges, topical crème, mouth rinses, toothpaste, and as an additive in glass ionomer cement restorative material. Trade names: CPP-ACP™, Recaldent™, GC Tooth Mousse.
Should I use Tooth Mousse or MI Paste Plus?
Use Regular Tooth Mousse
- After tooth whitening
- For pregnant mothers
- For children under 6
- During and/or after orthodontics
- For desensitising
- To provide extra protection for teeth
Use MI Paste Plus
- For white spot lesions
- For pregnant motherss
- During and/or after orthodontics
- For desensitising
- For medically compromised patients
- For patients with acidic oral environment
- For erosion and gastric reflux
- For patients with poor plaque control
- For high caries risk patients
- To provide extra protection for teeth
Watch how to use Tooth Mousse
Oral health coach LeighGS short video on use YouTube
GC YouTube video on how to apply.
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