The Life Cycle of your Smile

A timeline showing the life of your smile from conception to death – and what you can do to help it along the way. Learn more about our oral health timeline over life approach here.

Pre-birth & Pregnancy
  • Inside the mouth – Parents’ oral health can impact baby’s oral health both short and long term. Mum’s oral health, in particular gum health in relation to healthy delivery and weight.  How parents oral health influences baby’s healthy smile for life.
  • Lifestyle, Health and Wellbeing – Nausea/vomiting, acid erosion and tooth wear.  Planning for a healthy smile – Drugs (Smoking/Alcohol etc). General health. Medication. Exercise. Weight management. Mental health.
  • Oral hygiene – Importance of effective cleaning for oral health. Toothbrushing to clean teeth and gums, What to use. When to brush, clean between and how pregnancy may affect usual oral hygiene routines. Stop bleeding gums for healthy mum and baby. Other oral hygiene aids to benefit oral health at this time.
  • Diet and Nutrition –  Eating well for a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby. Cravings and control of any potential negative impact. Snacks and Drinks – what you choose and when.
  • Professional dental care – Access to dental treatment during pregnancy. Dental priorities for parents. When to visit.  Treatment options. Cost of treatment during pregnancy. Dental anxiety.
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0-6 Months
0-6 Months
0-6 months baby
  • Inside the mouth – Tooth and jaw development. Tongue tie. Developmental anomalies e.g. cleft lip and palate.  Saliva, dribbling and teething – how to recognise and identify when it’s not ‘teeth’ related.
  • Lifestyle, Health and Wellbeing – General health and development. Medications and oral health. Reflux. Dummy/Digit Sucking; Teething. Stress and mental health.
  • Oral hygiene –  Maintaining parents oral care routine with a new baby and new routines. Baby oral hygiene – when to start, what to use and how to clean baby’s gums and new teeth.
  • Diet and Nutrition – Parents diet and nutrition for a healthy life. Baby diet and nutrition Breast/Bottle Feeding for health.
  • Professional Dental Care – Parents continuing dental care. Baby’s first dental visit – Dental Check by One. Finding a dental home  for family dental care and regular attendance for healthy family smiles.

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6 Months - 3 Years
6 Months – 3 Years
2 year old with toothbrush
  • Inside the mouth – Tooth development and eruption. Developmental anomalies – colour, shape, size.  Saliva, dribbling and teething. Early childhood tooth decay. Trauma –  what to do when the unexpected happens.
  • Lifestyle, Health and Wellbeing – General health and development. Medication. Mental health – new baby, work and childcare. Dummy/digit sucking – options and management. 
  • Oral hygiene – Toothbrushing. Establishing  and supporting oral care routines. What to use – toothpaste and toothbrushes. Fluoride toothpaste – recommended fluoride level for age.  Tips for brushing the teeth of a small child. When to clean teeth and why this matters.
  • Diet and Nutrition – Weaning. Family meals. Selection and preparation of food/drinks. Mealtimes v Snacks.  Drinks. Fussy eaters. Eating/drinking at bedtime.
  • Professional dental care – Registration and first dental visit by first birthday.  Family dental visits – continuing professional oral care for all the family.

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3  - 6 Years
3  – 6 Years
3  – 6 Years
  • Inside the mouth – Baby Teeth Matter – they aren’t all replaced until around 12 years. Frist permanent teeth – when they erupt and where to look for them. Variations in eruption, shape, size and colour. Tooth decay – how to spot early signs by lifting the lip and looking inside. Developmental anomalies and poorly mineralised (formed) teeth.
  • Lifestyle, Health and Wellbeing – General health. Autism and sensory issues relating to oral health.  Medicines,  Child care, Trauma, Grinding, Dummy/digit sucking and its impact on shape of teeth and oral health.
  • Oral hygiene – Toothbrushing. Establishing oral care routines. Supporting oral hygiene. What to use – toothpaste and toothbrushes. Fluoride toothpaste – recommended fluoride level for this age.  Flavour – mint and alternatives. Tips for brushing the teeth of a small child. When to clean teeth and why this matters.
  • Diet and Nutrition – Mealtimes. Snacks. Drinks. Bedtime food/drink. Sugar – free sugars, hidden sugars and what low sugar and sugar free mean. Sugar swaps. Fussy eaters. Allergies and special diets.
  • Professional dental care – Family dental visits. Preventive care – Fluoride and Fissure sealants. Managing anxiety with dental care.

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7 - 13 Years
7 – 13 Years
7 to 13 year olds timeline
  • Inside the mouth – Baby Teeth Still Matter, Mixed dentition – little teeth, big teeth and straight teeth. Colour, shape and size of teeth – white spots, chalky teeth and tooth surface flaws. Gums and ulcers. Bacteria, plaque biofilm, cavities, gum health and tooth wear (erosion, attrition).
  • Lifestyle, Health and Wellbeing –  General health. Medicines and supplements. Trauma. Dummy/Thumb Sucking.  Pre-puberty and hormones. Mental health and wellbeing.
  • Oral hygiene – Toothbrushing – what to use, when and how. Adult support. Power v manual toothbrushes. Toothpaste – fluoride.  Cleaning between teeth – when to start and what to use. Extra protection. Making plaque seen to help clean – disclosing.
  • Diet and Nutrition – Healthy diet for oral and overall health. Mealtimes. Grazing. Snacks and Drinks, Fussy eaters. Allergies. Sugar  – choices and swaps.
  • Professional dental care – Monitoring developing teeth and jaws. Access, frequency, treatment and special care. Preventive care.  Anxiety and dental treatment.

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14 - 18 Years
14 – 18 Years
14 - 18 year olds
  • Inside the mouth – Permanent teeth. Missing teeth, extra teeth. Shape and colour of teeth. Wisdom Teeth. Cavities, gum inflammation, ulcers and tooth wear – acid erosion and attrition (grinding teeth).
  • Lifestyle, Health and Wellbeing  – General health. Medicines. Special needs. Hormones. Stress, mental health and wellbeing. Drugs, alcohol, smoking and vaping. Sports, social and screen time.
  • Oral Hygiene – Toothbrushing. What to use and when. Cleaning between teeth – what to use and when. Other aids for maintaining oral health. Cleaning orthodontic appliances, retainers and other dental appliances – what to use, when and how to use them. Oral hygiene for fresh breath.
  • Diet and Nutrition  – Eating well for young adults. Mealtimes. Snacks. Drinks including energy and power drinks. Eating/drinking before bed.
  • Professional dental care – General dental care. Professional mechanical plaque removal (dental hygiene therapy). Specialist care e.g. Orthodontics

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18 - 25 Years
18 – 25 Years
18 – 25 Years
  • Inside the mouth – Teeth  -Wisdom teeth.  Tooth Decay, Fillings & more. Tooth wear. Gum health. Ulcers and soft tissue health. HPV and Mouth Cancer. Sensitivity. Appearance – Colour & Shape. Trauma – Prevention and Repair/Replacement
  • Lifestyle, Health and Wellbeing  – General and Oral Health. Medicines and Supplements. Lifestyle & Oral health. Exercise & Fitness. Smoking, Alcohol & other Drugs.  Stress & Mental health.
  • Oral Hygiene – Toothbrushing. Interdental cleaning & other oral care products. Mouth rinsing. Dental appliance care.
  • Diet and Nutrition  – Eating well for mouth and body. Mealtimes, Snacks and Drinks. Diet, weight and supplements
  • Professional dental care – General Dental Care – Monitoring & Maintenance. Access, Frequency and Cost.  Professional Dental Hygiene. Cosmetic Dentistry -Bleaching, Braces etc

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25 - 35 Years
25 – 35 Years
25 to 35 years oral health
  • Inside the mouth – Teeth, Gums, Wear and Tear. Shape, Colour, Sensitivity and Replacement. Ulcers, Soft tissues, Tongue health and Mouth Cancer. Oral Dryness, Inflammation and Oral Microbiome. Fresh breath.
  • Lifestyle, Health and Wellbeing – General, Oral Health and Inflammation. Lifestyle – Tobacco, Alcohol & Drugs. Caring for others.  Mental health & Stress. Pregnancy and Parenting.
  • Oral hygiene – Toothbrushing, Interdental cleaning & other oral care routines. Tongue cleaning. Dental Appliance Care.
  • Diet and Nutrition – Healthy Eating for a healthy life. Sugars and Acids. Weight, diet and oral health.
  • Professional dental care – General Dental Care – Monitoring & Maintenance. Repair and replacement of Teeth  e.g. Dental Implants. Professional Mechanical Plaque Removal  – Dental Hygiene Therapy. Cosmetic Dentistry – Tooth Bleaching, Orthodontics etc

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35 - 45 Years
35 – 45 Years
35 to 45 years
  • Inside the mouth –  Teeth – Function and appearance. Tooth decay & Gum disease. Gum recession. Root decay. Sensitivity, Ulcers, Soft tissues, Tongue health & fresh breath.  Mouth Cancer. Dry mouth. Inflammation and the Oral Microbiome.
  • Lifestyle, Health and Wellbeing – General, Oral Health and Inflammation. Medications and supplements. Lifestyle – Tobacco, Alcohol & Drugs. Caring for others. Mental health and Stress.
  • Oral hygiene – Toothbrushing, Interdental cleaning & other oral care routines. Tongue cleaning. Dental Appliance Care.
  • Diet and Nutrition – Healthy Eating for a healthy life and for a healthy smile for life. Sugar, Weight and oral health
  • Professional dental care – General Dental Care – Monitoring & Maintenance. Repair and replacement of Teeth  e.g. Dental Implants. Professional Mechanical Plaque Removal  – Dental Hygiene Therapy. Cosmetic Dentistry – Tooth Bleaching, Orthodontics etc

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45 - 55 Years
45 – 55 Years
45 - 55 year olds oral health
  • Inside the mouth –  Teeth & Jaws – Function and appearance. Tooth decay, Gum disease, Tooth wear, Recession & Root decay.  Sensitivity, Ulcers, Tongue & Soft tissue problems.  Mouth Cancer. Dry mouth, Fresh breath.
  • Lifestyle, Health and Wellbeing – Mid life aging and oral health. General, Oral Health and Inflammation. Medication. Tobacco, Alcohol & Drugs. Caring for others. Sleep, Exercise, Mental health & Stress.
  • Oral hygiene – Toothbrushing, Interdental cleaning & other oral care routines including the use of mouth wash. Tongue cleaning. Dental Appliance Care. Restorations – crown, bridge and implant maintenance.
  • Diet and Nutrition – Healthy Eating for a healthy life. Nutrition and Supplements. Sugar – snacks, drinks, weight and oral health.
  • Professional dental care – General Dental Care – Monitoring & Maintenance. Repair and replacement of Teeth  e.g. Dental Implants. Prevention & Professional Mechanical Plaque Removal  – Dental Hygiene Therapy. Cosmetic Dentistry – Bleaching,Braces, etc

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55 - 65 Years
55 – 65 Years
55-65 years oral health
  • Inside the mouth – Teeth, Jaws, Function and appearance. Tooth/Root decay, Gum disease, Tooth wear, Recession, Inflammation and Sensitivity.  Ulcers, Tongue, Soft tissue issues and Mouth cancer.  Saliva, Dry mouth, and Fresh breath.
  • Lifestyle, Health and Wellbeing – Mid life aging, General, Oral health & Inflammation. Medications & supplements. Tobacco, Alcohol & Drugs. Caring for others. Sleep, Exercise, Mental health & Stress.
  • Oral hygiene –Toothbrushing, Interdental cleaning & other oral care routines including the use of mouth wash. Tongue cleaning. Dental Appliance Care. Restorations – crown, bridge and implant maintenance.
  • Diet and Nutrition – Healthy Eating for a healthy aging. Nutrition and Hydration. Sugar, Weight and oral health.
  • Professional dental care – General Dental Care – Monitoring & Maintenance. Repair and replacement of Teeth  e.g. Dental Implants. Professional Mechanical Plaque Removal  – Dental Hygiene Therapy. Cosmetic and Specialist Dental care.

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65 - 75 Years
65 – 75 Years
65 to 75 years oral health
  • Inside the mouth – Teeth, Jaws, Function, Appearance & Replacement. Failing restorations.  Tooth/Root decay, Gum disease, Tooth wear, Recession, Sensitivity & Trauma. Mouth Cancer, Soft tissues, Saliva, Dry mouth & Fresh breath.
  • Lifestyle, Health and Wellbeing – Aging, General, Oral Health and Inflammation. Medications and supplements. Tobacco, Alcohol & Drugs. Caring for others. Sleep, Exercise, Mental health & wellbeing.
  • Oral hygiene –Toothbrushing, Interdental cleaning & other oral care routines including the use of mouth wash. Tongue cleaning. Dental Appliance Care. Restorations – crown, bridge and implant maintenance. Supporting & assisting oral hygiene.
  • Diet and Nutrition – Healthy Eating for a healthy life and for a healthy smile for life. Sugar, Weight and oral health
  • Professional dental care – General Dental Care – Access, Cost, Monitoring & Maintenance. Repair and replacement of Teeth  e.g. Dental Implants. Professional Mechanical Plaque Removal  – Dental Hygiene Therapy. Cosmetic and Specialist dental care.

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75+ Years
75+ Years
75+ oral health
  • Inside the mouth – Teeth, Function, Appearance & Replacement. Tooth/Root decay, Gum disease, Tooth wear, Recession, Sensitivity, Trauma, Mouth Cancer & Soft tissue health.  Failing restorations. Saliva, Dry mouth & Fresh breath.
  • Health and Wellbeing – Healthy aging. Independence and self care. Overall health, Oral Health and Quality of  Life. Frailty, isolation and mental health.
  • Oral hygiene – Self care. Carers mouth care – Supporting and assisting mouth care. Oral hygiene aids – selection and use. Dental appliance care e.g. dentures, implants.
  • Diet and Nutrition – Eating for health and wellbeing. Hydration. Sugar and snacks. Supplements. Weight maintenance for health.
  • Professional oral care – General dental care – access, cost, monitoring and maintenance.  Repair and replacement of teeth/fillings. Supportive preventive therapies.

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End of Life
Palliative and End of Life Mouth Care
Palliative and end of life mouth care
  • Inside the mouth –  Teeth & dentures, crowns, bridges, implants etc. Function, joint problems & opening limitations. Soft tissue health e.g ulcers, fungal infections (thrush), trauma. Comfort, saliva, dry mouth & fresh breath.
  • Health and Wellbeing –   Holistic Oral health.  General health  and wellbeing connections. Maintaining dignity, quality of  life and oral health for social interaction.
  • Oral hygiene – Self care. Carers -Supporting and assisting mouth care. Teeth, gums, tongue and soft tissue care. Denture and appliance care.
  • Diet and Nutrition – Taste for comfort. Hydration. Supplements.  Tube feeding/parenteral nutrition. Nutritional needs in palliative and end of life care.
  • Professional oral care – Relief of pain – teeth, gums, tongue and soft tissues. Monitoring and maintaining function and comfort. Professional support.

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