Not today, tooth decay!

Not today, tooth decay!

Tooth decay in the UK is, on the whole, preventable. It is common, yes, but that doesn’t mean you should succumb to the thought that it will happen. Tooth decay can be painful and fillings can be uncomfortable and costly, so why not avoid? Spend your time and money on prevention rather than cure, it’s a painless process!

Preventing tooth decay involves reducing things that cause demineralisation, such as sugars and bacterial plaque, whilst increasing things that promote remineralisation, such as fluoride and good saliva flow. The amount of tooth decay we experience is largely down to managing these factors and having a healthy balance between demineralisation and remineralisation. Regular dental visits are important as your dental team will assess your risk and monitor changes to the teeth. They will be able to pick up on early signs of tooth decay before a cavity develops.

Reduce your risk and say, ‘not today, tooth decay’!

Limit sugary foods and drinks and aim to keep them to meal times and avoid them before bedtime. The more often you have sugar on your teeth, the more likely you are to develop a cavity.

Make sure you have good saliva flow. Avoid dehydration. If you suffer from dry mouth, treat it. Saliva really helps to remineralise tooth surfaces after an acid attack. Chewing sugar free gum is great for stimulating saliva flow. If you suffer from dry mouth, we highly recommend chewing sugar free gum or trying a product such as Xylimelts, which are very effective in managing dry mouth.

Clean between teeth daily and brush teeth at night and one other time every day with fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride in toothpaste was widely introduced in the early 1970’s and has played a major role in reducing childhood tooth decay in the UK. Fluoride hardens tooth surfaces and helps protect the teeth and root surfaces from tooth decay and acid erosion. Toothpaste is the most common way of fluoride helping to protect teeth. For maximum benefit spit out after brushing but don’t rinse with water. Find out which toothpaste is best for your here. Not sure about your risk of developing tooth decay? Take Time Out For Teeth to get some help to determine your current risk of cavities.

Visit your dental team regularly. As mentioned, your dental team will be able to assess your risks and monitor changes, spotting early signs of tooth decay before a cavity develops. They’re on your side, let them help!

For further information on tooth decay and how to prevent it, click here.

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