My First Electric Toothbrush!

My First Electric Toothbrush!

Brush-baby baby sonic brush. Mum will always brush after I’ve had a go as I’m not going to be able to do this properly on my own until I’m 7 or 8! 🙂 In the meantime I will do what I do best – look cute! 🙂 Want one like mine? Get it here…

Orthodontic Aligners. Getting Serious!

Orthodontic Aligners. Getting Serious!

Back in the dental chair. Fitting attachments to teeth for seating of aligners. 5 weeks on from start of active aligner treatment (Ideally 6 weeks but ProBro had an appointment with the Fastnet rock!). Set 3 of 10 fitted including attachments to teeth.

My Orthodontic Adventure 3 – Ulcers :(

My Orthodontic Adventure 3 - Ulcers :(

Ulceration and soreness from the aligners. To be expected as they do take a time to get used to. Easy to bite your lip and a little rubbing from the aligner on gums. What it was like and how oral health coach LeighGS managed.

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