Dental Monitoring of Orthodontic Treatment between Surgery Visits
A clever gadget that uses the patients smartphone and an app to take clear images of the mouth. This let’s the dentist monitor progress between dental visits and give advice.
Video Description
A clever gadget that uses the patients smartphone and an app to take clear images of the mouth. This let’s the dentist monitor progress between dental visits and give advice.
Brush-baby baby sonic brush. Mum will always brush after I’ve had a go as I’m not going to be able to do this properly on my own until I’m 7 or 8! 🙂 In the meantime I will do what I do best – look cute! 🙂 Want one like mine? Get it here…
Back in the dental chair. Fitting attachments to teeth for seating of aligners. 5 weeks on from start of active aligner treatment (Ideally 6 weeks but ProBro had an appointment with the Fastnet rock!). Set 3 of 10 fitted including attachments to teeth.
Updates on progress of my clear aligners/braces and a couple of ulcers and how to manage them while wearing clear braces.
Aligners and retainers should be removed for eating. This can create a dilemma if you don’t have your box with you and end up putting them in your pocket or wrapped in a tissue! Thankfully rescue was fairly prompt – but only just before a dog took a fancy to them!! 🙂
Ulceration and soreness from the aligners. To be expected as they do take a time to get used to. Easy to bite your lip and a little rubbing from the aligner on gums. What it was like and how oral health coach LeighGS managed.
Necessity is the mother of invention! Oral health coach LeighGS shares her preferred method for cleaning dental appliances.
How to clean aligners/mouth guard/denture. Disclosing them shows where the plaque biofilm has developed and see how to clean them thoroughly, and how long it takes!!
Getting used to having aligners in my mouth and how I had planned to look after them.