Pre-birth & Pregnancy

  • Inside the mouth – Parents’ oral health can impact baby’s oral health both short and long term. Mum’s oral health, in particular gum health in relation to healthy delivery and weight.  How parents oral health influences baby’s healthy smile for life.
  • Lifestyle, Health and Wellbeing – Nausea/vomiting, acid erosion and tooth wear.  Planning for a healthy smile – Drugs (Smoking/Alcohol etc). General health. Medication. Exercise. Weight management. Mental health.
  • Oral hygiene – Importance of effective cleaning for oral health. Toothbrushing to clean teeth and gums, What to use. When to brush, clean between and how pregnancy may affect usual oral hygiene routines. Stop bleeding gums for healthy mum and baby. Other oral hygiene aids to benefit oral health at this time.
  • Diet and Nutrition –  Eating well for a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby. Cravings and control of any potential negative impact. Snacks and Drinks – what you choose and when.
  • Professional dental care – Access to dental treatment during pregnancy. Dental priorities for parents. When to visit.  Treatment options. Cost of treatment during pregnancy. Dental anxiety.

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