My Orthodontic Adventure with LeighGS 1 a) Interprox Reduction 1

My Orthodontic Adventure with LeighGS 1 a) Interprox Reduction 1

I needed some space to get my teeth back in line! In my case this was done by interproximal reduction. What is interproximal reduction? It’s mechanical removal of tiny bit of the outer tooth surface (enamel), between teeth. This space is then used to straighten the teeth. It wasn’t painful. No local anaesthetic (freezing) is …

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Channel Trailer

Channel Trailer

Welcome to the Growing Smiles YouTube channel. Meet coach LeighGS and find out what its all about.



Brush along to the hokeycokey! Grab your toothbrush, and get ready to brush every surface of each tooth. Get to the end, rewind and start again on the other side of your mouth to brush for the recommended 2 minutes!:) If you only do it one time you most likely have spent longer than usual! …

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Best Start for Baby Teeth!

Best Start for Baby Teeth!

How to give your baby’s smile a great start. Use brush baby xylitol dental wipes to clean baby’s gums and create a healthy smile for life

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