Dr John’s Dream lollipops are the first dento-protective lollipops. The idea for DREAM (lollipops and candies) emerged from an understanding that neutralising acid in our mouths is a strong defense against dental disease, particularly for patients at high risk of cavities. Moreover, tooth repair can happen given the right oral environment.
Select individual flavour – Vanilla, chocolate or Butterscotch or bag of 6 lollipops (2 of each flavour Vanilla, Chocolate, Butterscotch).
The idea for DREAM (lollipops and candies) emerged from an understanding that neutralising acid in our mouths is a strong defense against dental disease, particularly for patients at high risk of cavities/tooth decay.
The worlds first Dento – protective candy, Dreams from Dr John’s. Dreams lollipops –
- Vanilla, Chocolate, Butterscotch
- Vegan, Non GMO, Gluten Free, Allergy Friendly
- 2 grams of fiber per serving
- No artificial colours, flavours, or sweeteners
- 25 calories per serving – 2 lollipops (15g)
- See gallery image of back of packaging for details.
Rather than Xylitol, DREAM candy uses erythritol since it is non-caloric, non-decay causing and reduces the reproduction of oral bacteria. It showed superior results in lower concentrations and has a glycaemic index of 0 when compared to xylitol’s glycaemic index of 13. Additionally, only 10% of erythritol is metabolized as opposed to 50% of xylitol which can lead to reduced gastric issues.
DREAM Candy is especially beneficial for those with decreased saliva since it has the buffering ability and bio available Calcium and Phosphate that normal saliva contains delivered in a more concentrated and portable package.
Knowing this Dr Johns created the Dreams solution – “Until now, we could only DREAM about enjoying our way to oral health! With our patent-pending DREAM formula, we have developed a product that tastes delicious and, when enjoyed, provides bio-available building blocks.
It creates a neutral/alkaline oral environment necessary for tooth protection and repair. As an added benefit, it also helps reduce the bacteria in the mouth. DREAM is a perfectly tasty way to make every smile healthy and happy”.
Learn more about Dream here.
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