I don’t have time!

Last week’s blog post was entitled ‘Now that you have time…’, but what if you don’t? Here at Growing Smiles we realise that lockdown hasn’t meant an abundance of free time for everyone. You may be a nurse, who’s days have gotten longer, needing extra time to add and remove PPE before and after shifts, …

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Now that you have time…

Toothbrush Timer

With lockdown in full swing and many of us working from home or furloughed, and unable to leave the house, we have suddenly found we have more time on our hands. The housework has been done, our wardrobes have been re-arranged and gardens tidied up, but have we spent more time on our teeth? Believe …

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Cheers: To Oral Health

In the year of perfect vision (2020!), your eyesight isn’t the only thing that can be affected by consuming alcohol.  We all know the common risks associated with excessive alcohol consumption, such as liver problems, obesity, heart disease and high blood pressure, but one thing that isn’t always considered, is the impact that alcohol has …

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Words of Wisdom

Wisdom teeth are often mentioned with a grimace, only coming up in conversation if they are a problem. Why on earth are they called wisdom teeth when they flare up and make us feel less than clever? I’m sure we could all think of a few better names for these, often trouble causing, teeth! Formally …

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In the spirit of full disclosure…

Full disclosure can be defined as being completely open and transparent regarding factual information. This can relate to work, law, relationships and various other aspects to daily life. Here at Growing Smiles, we like to fully disclose as much information relating to oral health as possible, which is why we would like to discuss ‘disclosing’ …

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