Mouth Care for Cancer Patients 2

Mouth Care for Cancer Patients 2

Oral health coach LeighGS is joined for Talking Teeth Thursday (June 2019) by Dental Hygienist, Clinical Ambassador for the Mouth Cancer Foundation, Team Member of UKOMI and contributor to Public Health England’s working party updating guidelines for Oral Cancer, prevention and early detection. Joss offers “HELP FOR BOTH PATIENTS AND HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS TO MAKE THE …

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End of Life Oral Care

End of Life Oral Care

Oral health coach LeighGS on Talking Teeth Thursday Facebook live feed about oral care at the end of life. Also see Mouth Care Matters End of Life Care video, Scottish Palliative Care Guidelines and Nice Palliative Care – Oral.

Starting Orthodontic Treatment – what you need to know

Starting Orthodontic Treatment - what you need to know

Oral health coach LeighGS talks about the importance of starting treatment with a healthy base. Not only orthodontic treatment but any complex dental treatment requires the patient to be engaged with their treatment and commit to excellent home care.

Talking Teeth Thursday – 2019 Review

Talking Teeth Thursday - 2019 Review

Every Thursday at 7pm (UK) oral health coach LeighGS goes live on to talk about some aspect of oral health. Answering questions and generally helping you, help yourself and your loved ones have a healthier smile for life. This review gives you a taste of some of the topics we covered in 2019.

Brush a long with Growing Smiles.

Brush a long with Growing Smiles.

We’ve all learnt washing our hands with soap and water helps reduce the spread of Covid 19. Singing Happy Birthday twice = approximately 20 seconds to wash hands as recommended. Growing Smiles has created 3 verses to keep you brushing all your top teeth, then repeat for your bottom teeth = around 2 minutes! Look, …

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Acid Erosion and your Teeth

Acid Erosion and your Teeth

Sipping sugary drinks be it tea or coffee with sugar, fizzy drinks, sweetened fruits juices or smoothies will result in tooth decay, but what about acids in your mouth? From sugar free fizzy drinks to gastric reflux acids can cause acid erosion leaving teeth sensitive and weakened. Fluoride hardens tooth surfaces and helps protect teeth …

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