How to Clean your Teeth in 30 Seconds? Can you?

How to Clean your Teeth in 30 Seconds? Can you?

Clean your teeth in 30 seconds – said no dental professional – ever! Cleaning teeth and removing the plaque biofilm from teeth and gums takes time. Time well spent for oral health and fresh breath. Have you been tempted to take a short cut and buy one of these 30 second AI brushes? We thought …

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How to Improve Toothbrushing Technique

How to Improve Toothbrushing Technique

Try cleaning your teeth with your non dominant hand. It will help you focus on your technique and is also really good brain training. It’s not what you do but the way that you do it… and the time you spend doing it. Try it and see! Great family activity.

Toddler Toothbrushing

Toddler Toothbrushing

See how one Mum brushes her toddlers teeth before bedtime. Using fluoride toothpaste on a dry toothbrush and making it fun really helps. Don’t leave it until they are really tired.

Probiotics and your Oral Health

Probiotics and your Oral Health

We have updated our original video on Prodentis probiotics and how they may benefit your oral health. Prodentis has been shown to help balance the microflora in your mouth to improve the oral health of those with bleeding gums and gum disease, bad breath, fungal infections, and tooth decay. More information can be found here.

Overall Health – does that include your mouth?

Overall Health - does that include your mouth?

When you think about your health and how to stay healthy do you include your mouth and oral care in the thought process? More than ever we need to look after ourselves and our families and live well. Our mouths are a reflection of our overall health and well being. Don’t just think of the …

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What to put in the School Lunch Box

What to put in the School Lunch Box

A short video that will give you some ideas for healthy lunch boxes, snacks and drinks. Learn more from our playlist on sugar, food and teeth. Lots more tips on oral health, your children, diet etc can be found on our Healthy Tips Page.

Breathing, Oral Health and Overall Health and Well Being

Breathing, Oral Health and Overall Health and Well Being

Listen to our live FB session on Talking Teeth Thursday when oral health coach LeighGS talks to dental hygienist and breathing coach Tim Ives about oral health, breathing and lots more! Recorded Live 10 September 2020. Follow Facebook for our regular Live Talking Teeth Thursday sessions at 7pm UK. Lots of topics about teeth and …

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Use them….. or lose them!

Use them..... or lose them!

Major dental disease – tooth decay and gum disease are by and large preventable. The key is in our own hands. Brushing teeth twice a day thoroughly, last thing at night and one other time every day with a fluoride toothpaste can clean up to 70% to tooth surfaces and apply the fluoride to strengthen …

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Toothbrushing – What the Professionals Advise

Toothbrushing - What the Professionals Advise

How to brush your teeth to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. toothbrushing is the foundation for good oral hygiene. Using a tootbrush you can clean 30-40% of tooth surfaces in your mouth. The other surfaces are reached with some form of interdental cleaning e.g brushes or floss. This video is based on the UK …

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