Dr Colette Reynolds of Growing Healthy Eaters talks to oral health coach LeighGS about children’s diet. Lots of parents struggle with getting children to eat a healthy diet. Mealtimes can be stressful and snacking frequent. Colette answers some of these questions.
Time/Topic 2.40 Colette explains about her sons issues with ‘wet foods’
6.10 If a child doesn’t eat meal should they be given something else?
12.34 Is there a difference between boys and girls eating habits?
16.50 6 year old, Mum says eats with his eyes. Nervous of trying new foods/sensory issues
27.00 Snacking v mealtimes
34.20 Hungry or thirsty?
39.00 Benefits of drinking water
45.50 Fruit concentrates
46.15 Food labelling
49.20 What is low sugar?
55.00 Treat boxes – learning to deal with temptation
1.01.20 Colette’s top tips to takeaway
1.05.30 Looking beyond Google – the benefits of professional, personalised advice
1.07.50 All about positive change