Whats your Piksters Combo for

Whats your Piksters Combo for

Oral health coach LeighGS takes a look at the Piksters connect oral hygiene system. It offers flexibility to mix and match your oral hygiene aids and reduce the amount of plastic you throw away when brushes need to be changed. Great grip handles of different sizes for those who struggle with grasp. Developed by dentists …

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Tongue Cleaning for Oral Health

Tongue Cleaning for Oral Health

Explanation of tongue cleaning and a real life demo of cleaning the tongue after using a disclosing solution to stain the tongue. Tongue scrapers available to buy here.

Toddler Toothbrushing

Toddler Toothbrushing

Start tooth 🦷 brushing from the first tooth’s arrival. Getting your little one 😀used to brushing from the start makes a little distraction 🖥 go a long way with a 2 year old…. and getting the job well done👏!

When Baby Teeth Arrive in the Mouth

When Baby Teeth Arrive in the Mouth

Baby teeth matter! While some just pop through without fanfare, others really let you know they are on their way! Do you know when to expect them? This video gives you an idea of when to expect each tooth to arrive in the mouth. First the incisors then the first molars then the canines then …

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My Dental Score with Growing Smiles

My Dental Score with Growing Smiles

How to use My Dental Score with Growing Smile. Use it to take Time Out For Teeth, Growing Smiles oral health online coaching. Find out your score and Growing Smiles will help you have a healthier smile for life. Find out more, use MyDentalScore and book Time Out For Teeth (TOFT) at

TePe Healthy Gums

TePe Healthy Gums

A short video from TePe to remind you to show your gums you care during and beyond Covid19.

Disclosing Teeth – seeing is believing!

Disclosing Teeth - seeing is believing!

Talking Teeth Thursday October 2020 saw oral health coach LeighGS disclosing her orthodontic aligners and teeth. She then demonstrates how much easier it is to clean your teeth thoroughly when you can see what you are trying to remove!

The Cost of Looking after your Teeth

The Cost of Looking after your Teeth

Talking Teeth Thursday February 2019. Oral Health Coach LeighGS takes a look a the cost of oral health and the importance of home care to prevent/reduce the time and money spent in the dental chair. Become a a true partner in your oral health care by prioritising your home oral care routine. Improving oral health …

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Flossing and Cleaning between Teeth with Braces/Retainers

Flossing and Cleaning between Teeth with Braces/Retainers

Daily interdental cleaning/flossing is a key part of the oral hygiene routine for anyone who has braces or has fixed permanent retention – wire behind teeth holding the teeth in place. It’s not easy! Learn how to do it with floss and interdental brushes.

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