How to Relieve Dry Mouth

How to Relieve Dry Mouth

Dry mouth is a very uncomfortable and affects our ability to eat and speak. Dry mouth increases risk of tooth decay, gum disease and bad breath. There are a range of products available to help dry mouth symptoms and keep you mouth comfortable and healthy at

How to Make your Teeth Stronger

How to Make your Teeth Stronger

Moisturise your teeth? GC Tooth mousse and MI Paste Plus harden (remineralise) tooth surfaces attacked by sugar and/or acid. How? Recaldentâ„¢( the trademarked name for the active ingredients ACP/CCP) is derived from the milk protein, casein. For many years it has been known that milk and its derivatives have a tooth protective effect. Research has …

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How does an Electric Toothbrush Clean?

How does an Electric Toothbrush Clean?

The power of an electric toothbrush moves the bristle tips on the tooth surface to clean teeth and break up the plaque biofilm. All you have to do is place the bristles along the gum line where tooth and gum meet and let the power do the work. Remember to clean the outside, the inside …

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How to use a Baby/Fingertip Toothbrush

How to use a Baby/Fingertip Toothbrush

Get the who, what, where, when, why and how to use a fingertip toothbrush. Start cleaning baby teeth as soon as they first appear in the mouth. This can also be used by anyone who struggles with a manual or electric brush. 

How to Floss with a Water Flosser

How to Floss with a Water Flosser

Water flossing with the Waterpik Water Flosser is a great way to clean between teeth if you can’t use or won’t use dental floss or interdental brushes. Find out more and buy at

How to Clean Baby’s Teeth with BrushBaby Xylitol Dental Wipes

How to Clean Baby's Teeth with BrushBaby Xylitol Dental Wipes

BrushBaby xylitol dental wipes for cleaning baby gums and creating a healthy environment in baby’s mouth from birth. Xylitol helps create a healthy environment in baby’s mouth, preparing for the arrival of the first tooth. Use daily to help your child have a healthy growing smile. Pack of 28 wipes available to purchase here.

How to use Electric/Powered Toothbrushes

How to use Electric/Powered Toothbrushes

Contrary to general belief they don’t get the job done faster but they do it more effectively…used properly! Oscillating rotating pulsating sonic ……so many options! Where to start? Available to purchase here.

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