7 – 13 Years

  • Inside the mouth – Baby Teeth Still Matter, Mixed dentition – little teeth, big teeth and straight teeth. Colour, shape and size of teeth – white spots, chalky teeth and tooth surface flaws. Gums and ulcers. Bacteria, plaque biofilm, cavities, gum health and tooth wear (erosion, attrition).
  • Lifestyle, Health and Wellbeing –  General health. Medicines and supplements. Trauma. Dummy/Thumb Sucking.  Pre-puberty and hormones. Mental health and wellbeing.
  • Oral hygiene – Toothbrushing – what to use, when and how. Adult support. Power v manual toothbrushes. Toothpaste – fluoride.  Cleaning between teeth – when to start and what to use. Extra protection. Making plaque seen to help clean – disclosing.
  • Diet and Nutrition – Healthy diet for oral and overall health. Mealtimes. Grazing. Snacks and Drinks, Fussy eaters. Allergies. Sugar  – choices and swaps.
  • Professional dental care – Monitoring developing teeth and jaws. Access, frequency, treatment and special care. Preventive care.  Anxiety and dental treatment.

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