3  – 6 Years

  • Inside the mouth – Baby Teeth Matter – they aren’t all replaced until around 12 years. Frist permanent teeth – when they erupt and where to look for them. Variations in eruption, shape, size and colour. Tooth decay – how to spot early signs by lifting the lip and looking inside. Developmental anomalies and poorly mineralised (formed) teeth.
  • Lifestyle, Health and Wellbeing – General health. Autism and sensory issues relating to oral health.  Medicines,  Child care, Trauma, Grinding, Dummy/digit sucking and its impact on shape of teeth and oral health.
  • Oral hygiene – Toothbrushing. Establishing oral care routines. Supporting oral hygiene. What to use – toothpaste and toothbrushes. Fluoride toothpaste – recommended fluoride level for this age.  Flavour – mint and alternatives. Tips for brushing the teeth of a small child. When to clean teeth and why this matters.
  • Diet and Nutrition – Mealtimes. Snacks. Drinks. Bedtime food/drink. Sugar – free sugars, hidden sugars and what low sugar and sugar free mean. Sugar swaps. Fussy eaters. Allergies and special diets.
  • Professional dental care – Family dental visits. Preventive care – Fluoride and Fissure sealants. Managing anxiety with dental care.

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