25 to 35 years

* We are working on this page. Please call back or if you have a query contact us

Most Common Diseases & Conditions:

Tooth decay
(dental caries)

tooth decay

Bleeding gums (gingivitis)

bleeding gums

Tooth wear (erosion, attrition, abrasion)

tooth wear

Oral cancer

mouth cancer

Major Risk Factors Which Contribute to Problems:

  • Diet – sugar containing food and drinks
  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Little or no fluoride around teeth
  • Tobacco
  • Alcohol
  • Polypharmacy (taking a number of medications)
  • Tooth loss
  • Dentures

Everyone in this Age Group Should Aim for:

  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Practice good oral hygiene (Floss/clean between and brush daily)
  • Use fluoride toothpaste
  • Spit out after brushing but don’t rinse
  • Avoid/stop tobacco and nicotine products
  • Avoid/minimise alcohol
  • Regular dental care

Source: Delivering Better Oral Health PHE 2021

  • Inside the mouth – Teeth, Gums, Wear and Tear. Shape, Colour, Sensitivity and Replacement. Ulcers, Soft tissues, Tongue health and Mouth Cancer. Oral Dryness, Inflammation and Oral Microbiome. Fresh breath.
  • Lifestyle, Health and Wellbeing – General, Oral Health and Inflammation. Lifestyle – Tobacco, Alcohol & Drugs. Caring for others.  Mental health & Stress. Pregnancy and Parenting.
  • Oral hygiene – Toothbrushing, Interdental cleaning & other oral care routines. Tongue cleaning. Dental Appliance Care.
  • Diet and Nutrition – Healthy Eating for a healthy life. Sugars and Acids. Weight, diet and oral health.
  • Professional dental care – General Dental Care – Monitoring & Maintenance. Repair and replacement of Teeth  e.g. Dental Implants. Professional Mechanical Plaque Removal  – Dental Hygiene Therapy. Cosmetic Dentistry – Tooth Bleaching, Orthodontics etc
Living Life To The Full

Worried about going to the dentist? We recommend visiting LLTTF which has advise and tips to make visiting the dentist a better experience.

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